Wednesday, September 2, 2020

What are the conditions that must be met for an economy to make the transition form being a planned to a market economy essays

What are the conditions that must be met for an economy to make the change structure being an intended to a market economy papers World market economies are included two distinct sorts of business sectors. Those business sectors are free market economy and arranged market economy. Free market economy is a financial framework which settle the fundamental monetary issue through the market system. Arranged market economy is a financial framework where the administration, through an arranging procedure allots assets in the public arena. Nations, for example, Russia and China whose business sectors depend on arranged economy, have being encountering issues, for example, the impetus offered purchase the benefit thought process perhaps supplanted by close to home desire or a political perfect, and individuals want to sit quiet in what is given straightforwardly by the state and the buying shops is probably going to be limited.( Along these lines they have chosen to change to a market financial framework from an arranged monetary framework. There are a few conditions that must be met to make a change from a wanted to a market economy. Those conditions are adjustment privatization and value progression. The first of the conditions for progress to a market economy is adjustment. Adjustment requires an adaptable, working item and persevering work markets to have the option to have an effective change. On the off chance that the activity for the state endeavors are being finance by the administration or there have been advance taking from national banks as occurs in arranged economies, from neither the venture nor the laborers will have a motivating force to diminish the compensation or workers from the impact of the total interest. Total interest is the aggregate all things considered or consumptions in the economy at some random cost. Total requests will fall if the utilization , venture, government spending or net fares decline on the a consistent level will prompt a fall. As in the chart beneath shows how the total interest bend is moved to left from the impact it occurs. The disappointment of the change procedure I... <!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Los 10 mejores países para emigrar

Los 10 mejores paã ­ses para emigrar Estos child 10 paã ­ses que deben ser considerados a la hora de emigrar, bien porque admiten a muchos emigrantes o por sus facilidades o porque brindan programas interesantes. Los paã ­ses se listan por orden alfabã ©tico, pero cada uno brinda puntos some help y otros en contra, por lo que cada persona deber valorarlos en su conjunto y ver lo que mejor se ajusta a sus intereses y realidades. Australia Australia tiene un triple sistema para admitir emigrantes: peticiones familiares, razones humanitarias o por trabajo. Esto à ºltimo es lo que se conoce como Skilled Stream. La emigraciã ³n an Australia por razones laborales puede ser con una visa transient, en cuyo caso siempre se necesita un patrocinador o puede ser con una tarjeta de residencia permanente, en cuyo caso se admiten varias posibilidades: patrocinio de empresa o de una regiã ³n australiana o incluso sin necesidad de patrocinio en lo que se conoce como Skilled Independent Visa.â En la actualidad es frecuente que se obtenga primero una visa transient y que à ©sta sirva de trampolã ­n para sacar ms tarde una permanente. Asimismo, en la actualidad los campos laborales a los que pertenecen la mayorã ­a de los emigrantes temporales y permanentes que child admitidos en Australia child IT, ingenierã ­a, contabilidad, enfermerã ­a, medicina y educaciã ³n. Canad El gobierno government tiene 3 programas para aprobar la residencia permanente an emigrantes con habilidades especiales. Child el FSTP, el FSWP y el CEC. Es un sistema basado en puntos en el que se tienen en consideraciã ³n factores como la edad de los candidatos, sus conocimientos de los idiomas inglã ©s y/o francã ©s, su experiencia laboral y el nivel de estudios. En la actualidad para aplicar se debe solicitar a travã ©s del Sistema Exprã ©s.â Adems, Canad tambiã ©n brinda la oportunidad de emigrar temporalmente a travã ©s de dos programas. En groundwork lugar el TFWP, que requiere de una oferta laboral por parte de una empresa canadiense, y en segundo lugar el IMP, que est regulado por acuerdos internacionales. Adems, las provincias de Canad regulan sus propias posibilidades para emigrar. Canad tambiã ©n brinda la posibilidad de obtener una visa para crear una start-up. Para ello es necesario obtener una inversiã ³n mã ­nima de 200 mil dã ³lares canadienses si el inversor es un fondo designado de capital endeavor o de 75 mil, si proviene de un grupo de blessed messenger speculators. Por otro lado, el gobierno government ya no mantiene el programa pasado de visa por inversiã ³n. Sin ban, la provincia de Quebec sã ­ que lo mantiene. Finalmente, otro punto some help de Canad es que los trmites para la residencia permanente se demoran, en un 80 por ciento de los casos, menos de 6 meses. Bã ©lgica Este pequeã ±o paã ­s amerita ser destacado en esta lista porque permite obtener una visa transient para buscar empleo en el paã ­s para personas con un alto grado de especializaciã ³n aplicando por lo que se conoce como Blue Card, lo cual es un hecho altamente infrecuente. Destacar que 3 centros distintos gestionan estas visas, segã ºn se busque en la parte de habla francesa, en la flamenca o en Bruselas. Chile Sã ³lo el 2 por ciento de la poblaciã ³n chilena naciã ³ en otro paã ­s. Sin ban es un destino atrayente para las personas interesadas en crear una fire up. Cada aã ±o se celebran tres competiciones y en cada una de ellas se da visa a 100 empresarios, adems de capital y acceso a redes y programas de mentores.â Desde que se creã ³ el programa han emigrado a Chile casi 1000 empresarios de ms de 35 paã ­ses. Dinamarca Este paã ­s que forma parte de la Uniã ³n Europea brinda an un mximo de 50 personas por aã ±o la posibilidad de emigrar para fundar una fire up. A pesar de que es un nã ºmero muy pequeã ±o se incluye Dinamarca en este artã ­culo porque sus condiciones child atractivas, ya que no exige inversiã ³n mã ­nima, tan sã ³lo que el fundador tenga capacidad para sostenerse. Adems, abre las puertas an aceleradores, fondos de inversiã ³n y centros de investigaciã ³n daneses. Las peticiones, que deben ser aprobadas por un board de expertos, deben ser escalables y relacionadas con la tecnologã ­a, teniendo preferencia las de los sectores de Ciencias, ICT (tecnologã ­as de la comunicaciã ³n e informaciã ³n) y energã ­as limpias y sostenibles. Estados Unidos Cada aã ±o monetary Estados Unidos aprueba aproximadamente 1 millã ³n de nuevas tarjetas de residencia. Sin ban, la mayorã ­a de ellas se obtienen por una peticiã ³n por parte de un recognizable, el cual puede ser un ciudadano americano o un residente permanente lawful. Si bien roughage otras formas de obtener la codiciada green card. Adems, Estados Unidos mantiene un sistema complejo de distintas categorã ­as de visas de trabajo transient tanto para personas altamente capacitadas como para migrantes para trabajos donde no se requiere especialidad. Asimismo, el programa de visa de intercambio J-1 permite trabajar en situaciones muy diversas, como por ejemplo, mã ©dico, niã ±era, maestro, prcticas para egresados, staff de campamento de verano, and so forth. Nueva Zelanda El 20 por ciento de la poblaciã ³n de este paã ­s naciã ³ en otro lo que muestra la importancia de la emigraciã ³n en Nueva Zelanda. Se brinda varias posibilidades para emigrar, incluidos 3 programas por inversiã ³n a partir de 100 dã ³lares districts (aproximadamente $55,000 dã ³lares americanos). Tambiã ©n se pueden obtener visas o residencias permanentes por trabajo, particularmente en profesiones en los que siempre feed demanda en Nueva Zelanda, como se muestran en las listas oficiales para empleos con deficiencia de personas que pueden optar al trabajo de manera inmediata o a largo plazo. Programas en Europa para atraer empresarios para crear new companies Existen varios programas para atraer an empresarios no comunitarios entre los que destacan el French Ticket, en Francia, el STEP de Irlanda, el UK Entrepreneur Visas en Reino Unido, el Start-up visa de Italia, que requiere una inversiã ³n mã ­nima de 50 mil euros, el Star-up de Holanda, que permite en una de sus modalidades el autoempleo, la Ley de Emprendedores de Espaã ±a. Tarjeta Azul Europea Tambiã ©n conocida como EU Blue Card y es el equivalente europeo a la green card de Estados Unidos en muchos aspectos. La pueden solicitar personas con un alto grado de especializaciã ³n y que no child nacionales de los paã ­ses de la Uniã ³n Europea. Los siguientes paã ­ses pueden emitir la Blue Card: Austria, Bã ©lgica, Bulgaria, Croacia, Eslovaquia, Espaã ±a, Estonia, Finlandia, Francia, Grecia, Holanda, Hungrã ­a, Italia, Letonia, Lituania, Luxemburgo, Malta, Polonia, Portugal, Repã ºblica Checa, Rumanã ­a y Suecia. Uruguay An este paã ­s sudamericano es fcil emigrar, ya que al ingresar no piden billete de regreso ni mã ­nimo de dinero. Una vez dentro es posible regularizar fcilmente la situaciã ³n solicitando una cã ©dula temporary, la cual permite buscar trabajo durante un aã ±o. Entre los documentos que se necesitarn est el de certificado de nacimiento, historial de penales y los tã ­tulos acadã ©micos, los cuales deben tener la apostilla de La Haya. Si bien es cierto que emigrar a Uruguay no es complicado deben tenerse en cuenta ciertos factores bets de mudarse al paã ­s, como es el hecho de que los salarios child bajos y el nivel de vida es caro. Este es un artã ­culo informativo. No es asesorã ­a lawful.

Friday, August 21, 2020

A Tragedy at Sea essays

A Tragedy at Sea expositions Envision you are on an enormous boat with over a thousand others, and the boat is sinking quickly. How might you feel, probably terrified or potentially panicked? In the last minutes, what might you think? You may be pondering whether you could ever observe your adored one's again. For the group abord the USS Indianapolis, about 75% of them could never observe their families again. As per the Naval Historical Center Website, the USS Indianapolis served from Pearl Harbor to the last activity of World War II, just to disastrously sink during a crucial weeks before the finish of the war. The sinking of the USS Indianapolis is the most noticeably awful maritime fiasco in US history; following 5 days of consistent shark assaults, horrendous thirst, starvation, and ulcers, just 316 men out of 1,196 were safeguarded from the water. The last finished crucial the USS Indianapolis was it's conveyance of the principal operational nuclear bomb on 26 July 1945 to Tinian. After the conveyance the USS Indianapolis answered to CINCPAC (Commander in Chief Pacific) Headquarters at Guam for additional requests. Once there she recieved requests to join the ship USS Idaho at Leyte Gulf in the Phillipines to attack Japan. As of now USS Indianapolis Captian McVay mentioned a destroyer escort to the Leyte Gulf. Rather than an escort orders were given to Captain McVay guiding him to crisscross at his descretion relying upon climate and visability. The USS Indianapolis left Guam unescorted heading for Leyte Gulf, making it the first unescorted capital boat lacking enemy of submarine location hardware during the whole war. Obscure to the USS Indianpolis is that the I-58 Japanese submarine was known to lurk the Phillipine Sea, in the immediate way of the USS Indianapolis. This data was retained from Captain McVay so as to safeguard that the Japanese wouldn't discover that we'd broken their codes. ... <!

Friday, June 5, 2020

Hard ACT English Problems

What makes hard ACT English problems so hard? If you read a lot of the ACT guides out there, it sounds like you can just memorize a series of grammar rules and be good to go. Unfortunately, this isnt actually the case! The ACT tests grammar and usage in many different ways, and some of the hardest problems will have distractors that wrong in really subtle ways. But that doesnt mean you cant get these points! All it means is that you need some really top-quality practice with the types of problems that trip students up the most. Luckily for you, weve compiled eight ACT challenge problems for the English section below. Answers and explanations followgood luck! Want to make sure youve mastered the trickiest concepts in all areas? For ACT challenge problems from other sections, check out: Hard ACT Math Problems Hard ACT Reading Problems Hard ACT Science Problems Hard ACT English Problems Kendra Michelson helped establish art as an important mode of learning in the city’s struggling schools. She taught local artists the strategies they needed to help children as young as five become bourgeoning artists who could then apply this creativity to their other subjects. Today, there are more than seven thousand (1) artists-in-residence around, all of (2) which teach classes to underprivileged students in school-based art studios. 1. A. NO CHANGE B. adults and children creating art, C. artist-teachers, D. DELETE the underlined portion 2. E. NO CHANGE F. whom G. who H. them 3. The nickname â€Å"Mama Pop† was conferred on my aunt by fans of her famous soda shop. She herself, adopted the moniker, and, like a true mother to the community, embraced all of the associations that came along with it. A. NO CHANGE B. She herself C. She, herself, D. She, 4. As the daughter of one of Charleston’s leading judges, Angelina Grimke could have looked forward to a life of luxury and ease, and her comfort assured by the presence of slaves trained to respond to her wishes. E. NO CHANGE F. life of luxury and ease her comfort G. life of luxury and ease, her comfort H. life of luxury, and her comfort 5. Acclaimed novelist Toni Morrison likens memory to the way the Mississippi River, and other rivers like it, years after being straightened and pushed into levees by the Army Corps of Engineers, still strain at times to flood its banks and revisit the original, meandering route. A. NO CHANGE B. strains C. strained D. straining 6. Mario Lanza himself claimed Enrico Caruso as his greatest influence and infamously played him on screen, reminding a wider audience that there was nothing incompatible between classical tenors and genuine popularity. E. NO CHANGE F. Lanza, himself, G. Lanza, himself H. Lanza, himself had 7. Fallingwater, one of the most famous examples of organic architecture, was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. The family had given him free reign to construct their house on any location on their extensive land. Wright made the bold decision to place the house over a waterfall on the site. He then designed a house with many horizontal stones the same color as the rocks found in the surrounding area. This design structure allowed the house to blend in with its surroundings, looking almost as if it were made by nature rather than a human. Which of the following true statements would best introduce the paragraph? A. NO CHANGE B. One of the most famous examples of organic architecture is Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater, a house he built for a Pennsylvanian family. C. Fallingwater is a famous example of organic architecture built for a Pennsylvanian family. D. Frank Lloyd Wright designed one of the most famous examples of organic architecture in 1964. 8. It all began in mid-March when a peddler from Halifax named John Law had a frightening encounter with a poor young woman, Alizon Device in a field, near the town of Colne. E. NO CHANGE F. young woman, Alizon Device, in a field near G. young woman, Alizon Device in a field near H. young woman Alizon Device in a field, nearâ€Æ' Answers and Explanations 1. ANSWER: C Answer choice C is correct because it states the noun in the clearest way possible. These are â€Å"artist-teachers† (artists turned into teachers) who have been created by Michelson. If this artificially constructed compound noun sounds awkward to you, then you need to work by process of elimination with the other answer choices. Each of them has a flaw that guarantees that it isn’t the right answer! Answer choice A is incorrect because of the colloquial use of the word â€Å"around.† Although this is an expression we might use when casually speaking, on the ACT, we always want to use academic English. Answer choice B is incorrect because it incorrectly groups the â€Å"children† with the adult teachers. The modifier intends to say that it is the adult teachers who are teaching classes to the young students, not that the children are also teaching classes. Answer choice D is incorrect mostly because it deletes the comma that is necessary to set off the subsequent modifier, but also because it is slightly unclear who the â€Å"seven thousand† is referring to if the noun is deleted. 2. ANSWER: F We can eliminate E because â€Å"which† is a pronoun that refers to things not people, and the pronoun here is referring to the artists. We can eliminate H because if we use the subject pronoun â€Å"them† then we are creating a comma splice. We need an object pronoun here because the pronoun is within a prepositional phrase. This is the trickiest part of this question. It may seem like we need the subject pronoun â€Å"who† (because the pronoun here refers to who is teaching the classes), but the pronoun is embedded in a prepositional phrase. Because prepositional phrases are used to express a relationship, they don’t act on their own, and so they require object pronouns. This means our answer can’t be H either. The correct answer then is the object pronoun referring to people, (F) â€Å"whom.† 3. ANSWER: B Many students who struggle with this question are thinking about the rules for appositives. As a reminder, an appositive is a noun or a noun phrase that renames or defines another noun, such as â€Å"My uncle, a master chef,† or â€Å"Maya Angelou, a Pulitzer Prize nominee,†. Appositives are often set off by commas. However, if the appositive is essential to either the meaning or the structure of a sentence, it should NOT be set off by commas. But in this case, â€Å"herself† is not exactly an appositive, it is a reflexive pronoun acting as an intensifier. When a reflexive pronoun such as â€Å"herself† is used like this, it is not set off with commas. For example, â€Å"I myself wouldn’t buy that book.† This makes answer choice C incorrect. Answer choices A and D are also incorrect because they put a single comma between the subject and its verb, which should never happen. Be particularly careful with D. This could be an option if it didn’t have a comma after she (After all, the word â€Å"herself† is not really needed in this sentence, and it would be more concise to just say â€Å"she†) but the comma makes it wrong. So, once again, because reflexive pronouns acting as intensifiers are not set off by commas, the correct answer is B. 4. ANSWER: G This one is a little tricky because of the sophisticated structure of the dependent clause â€Å"her comfort assured by the presence of slaves† Answer choice E is incorrect because the dependent clause needs a main verb (if it said â€Å"her comfort was assured†¦Ã¢â‚¬  it would work). Therefore, it cannot stand alone as an independent clause in the compound sentence this answer choice creates. Answer choice H also improperly uses a coordinating conjunction to create a compound sentence even though the second clause cannot stand alone as a sentence. Answer choice F creates a run-on that is confusing without the separation of the dependent clause. So our answer is G. 5. ANSWER: B This one is tricky because of the complex structure of the sentence. The subject is â€Å"Mississippi River,† which is singular. There are two bits of parenthetical information in the middle: â€Å"and other rivers like it† and â€Å"years after being straightened and pushed into levees by the Army Corps of Engineers.† Remember, parenthetical information set off by commas can always be bracketed off so you can focus on the main part of the sentence (which should still read correctly without it). If you do this, we have: Acclaimed novelist Toni Morrison likens memory to the way the Mississippi River, [and other rivers like it, years after being straightened and pushed into levees by the Army Corps of Engineers,] still strain at times to flood its banks and revisit the original, meandering route. This makes it easier to see that our subject is Mississippi River. There is also a clue later in the sentence when the pronoun â€Å"it† is used. Now, we need to make sure the verb tense is correct. The word â€Å"still† before the verb indicates that we need present tense, so our answer is B. 6. ANSWER: E In this case, there is no need to set off the pronoun â€Å"himself† with commas. In this case, it is acting as what is called an intensifier: â€Å"Lanza himself.† So, in a sense, we can assume it is â€Å"essential† to the sentence because the author is purposely choosing to use it, so it should not be set off with commas. This is a tricky one, but the ACT has tested it, so good to know! 7. ANSWER: B Often on topic sentence questions on the ACT English test, you’ll find that the correct answer is simply the one that best summarizes the content of the entire paragraph. And typically, some wrong answer choices will be waaaaay obvious: either they will be too narrow or too broad or they will be completely off-topic. In this case, all four of our answer choices are on the same topic, so how do you decide? The key is noticing what information appears in the next sentence. The second sentence begins with a reference to â€Å"the family† and to â€Å"him,† which means that both of these details need to be clarified in the first sentence. The only answer choice that mentions both â€Å"him† (Frank Lloyd Wright) and â€Å"the family† (a Pennsylvanian family) is answer choice B. 8. ANSWER: F. In this case, â€Å"Alizon Device† describes â€Å"the poor young woman† and as such, needs to be set of as an appositive with commas (eliminating G and H). We do not want to include â€Å"in a field† in the appositive. She is still Alizon Device even when she is not in a field! So this eliminates E.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Among Adults - 2737 Words

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder among Adults UIN: XXXXXXXXX Psychology 270, Fall/2013 – Instructor Professor K. Reyes University of Illinois at Chicago Introduction In everyday life, it is inevitable that an individual will experience some form of stress. This stress may come in the form of daily hassles, inconveniences and major life events such as divorce or the loss of a loved one. When stress becomes traumatic, the individual is at a great risk of developing a stress disorder. According to the DSM-IV-TR (APA, 2000), traumatic stress occurs when the individual is presented with a traumatic situation in which the person experiences or witnesses an event that incorporated threats of death or significant harm and the person’s reaction to the event consisted of profound terror, helplessness or revulsion. A traumatic event can be a large-scale event with multiple victims such as natural/human caused disasters, war, mass violence or explicit experience in the death of others. Examples of these large-scale events include 9/11, the Holocaust, Hurricane Katrina etc. Other classification of traumatic events involve unintended acts involving fewer people such as motor vehicle collisions or life threatening illnesses and acts of intended personal violence such as sexual/physical assault, torture or child abuse. These traumatic stressors cause a significant more amount of distress than the everyday stressors mentioned earlier as they cause the individual to challengeShow MoreRelatedPost Traumatic Stress Disorder980 Words   |  4 PagesToday we are here to figure out why is it that past events are the triggers that cause Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is an anxiety disorder that some people get after seeing or undergoing a dangerous event. There are various symptoms that begin to show or actions that can give a clear answer whether one may be diagnosed with this disorder. One of the many problems is that no age range is safe from suffering PTSD. One must ask themselves what set of events happenedRead More Sexual Assault Among Women In the United States Essay1239 Words   |  5 PagesSexu al Assault Among Women In the United States Sexual Assault described in technical terms is defined as any sort of sexual activity between two or more people in which one of the people involved is involved against his or her will. (3) The description of against his or her will extends to varying degrees of aggression, ranging from indirect pressure to a direct physical attack. According to the Crime Victim Research and Treatment Center 1.3 adult women are sexually assaulted in theRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd ) Essay1453 Words   |  6 PagesAmong those who served in the Vietnam War, 84.8% of those diagnosed Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder still show moderate impairment of symptoms, even 30 plus years after the war (Glover 2014). As of today, the Unites States has 2.8 million veterans who served in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, of those it is estimated that 11 to 20% currently suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. As of 2013, a total of 12,632 veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars are currently diagnosed with Post-TraumaticRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder is on the Raise Essay1155 Words   |  5 PagesPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is defined as mental health disorder triggered by a terrifying event (Mayo Clinic). This ordeal could be the result of some sort of physical harm or threat to the individual, family members, friends or even strangers (NIMH). While PTSD is typically associated with someone who has served in the military, it can affect more than just that genre of individuals. It could affect rape victims, victims in a terrorist or natural disaster incident, nurses, doctors, andRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder884 Words   |  4 Pagesof traumatic incidents, such as mugging, rape, torture, being kidnapped or held captive, child abuse, car accidents, train wrecks, plane crashes, bombings, or natural disasters such as floods or earthquakes.† (NIMH) Families of veterans struggle to help their loved ones. â€Å"Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder caused by a person’s exposure to life-threatening or otherwise traumatic circumstances.† (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder affectsRead More Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Essay1266 Words   |  6 Pages Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be a very serious and debilitating condition that occurs after a person has been exposed to a terrifying event or ordeal in which grave physical danger happened or was threatened. The kinds of traumatic events triggering PTSD in people include violent personal assaults (rape, mugging), natural disasters (hurricanes, tornadoes), man-made disasters (bombings), accidents or military combat. People who suffer from PTSD often reliveRead MoreMethods of Treating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Essay924 Words   |  4 PagesWhen humans undergo traumatic events that threaten their safety and wellbeing, they may become vulnerable to nightmares, fear, excessive anxiety, depression, and trembling. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a psychological illness that results from the occurrence of a â€Å"terribly frightening, life-threatening, or otherwise unsafe experience† (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), 2012). This condition often leads t o unbearable stress and anxiety. PTSD is significantly prevalent as indicatedRead MoreEssay on terrorism1348 Words   |  6 Pagesorderly and controllable. Studies have shown that deliberate violence creates longer lasting mental health effects than natural disasters or accidents.1 1 Scott, R., Brooks, N. amp; McKinlay, W. (1995). Post-traumatic morbidity in a civilian community: A follow-up at 3 years. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 8, p. 412. Consequences both for individuals and the community are prolonged, and survivors often feel that injustice has been done to them. This can lead to prejudice, anger, frustration, helplessnessRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder1539 Words   |  7 Pagesisn’t the cause in many men and women returning home from today’s wars. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder can result from a number of different traumatic events, but the intensity and duration of some people’s reactions can be quite different but that also has many factors. The negative effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is affecting families and the effects it has on families of patients. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder isn’t something new that has just appeared it’s something people have beenRead MoreNatural Disasters3617 Words   |  15 PagesZyy06mku SWK Psychological Consequences of Earthquakes Natural disasters, such as earthquakes, hurricanes and cyclones, floods, and tornadoes are some of the traumatic experiences that may cause posttraumatic stress disorders. This type of disorders and other disaster related psychological problems are prevalent after natural disasters. As a result it is important to analyse those individuals that develop psychological problems especially to prepare and plan

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Should The Death Penalty Be Responsible For Making Such A...

Many of us have heard terms such as probation, parole, life sentence, and lethal injection. We often hear these â€Å"phrases,† but what exactly do they all have in common and why do we hear them as often as we do? They are sentences commonly handed down to individuals suspected of committing heinous crimes. While most people will recognize these as the punishments that often find themselves making their way through our court system, there exists some disagreement about their fairness and whether or not they all should be utilized. What criteria should we use to determine whether or not a punishment is just or unjust? Who should be responsible for making such a decision? Should there be alternatives offered to circumvent this uncertainty? Most importantly, is there evidence to support these opinions or are they just that: opinions? The death penalty is something that has been around for centuries, but lately it has been the center of many controversies. While there are no cut and dry answers to these questions, there is one thing that is certain; before we are quick to make assumptions on the issue, there are some basic facts that we should first be made aware of when deciding whether the death penalty provides closure to families, or if it is legal murder carried out by the states. From the time that America was first colonized, the death penalty has been a punishment carried out in our country (Part I: History of the Death Penalty). Many viewed it as an integral part ofShow MoreRelatedThe Punishment Of The Death Penalty1620 Words   |  7 Pages The 2005 decision made in Roper v. Simmons’ declared that the crimes committed by people under the age of 18 would not be punishable by death. Because of this the United States Supreme Court challenged the constitutionality of the death penalty for juveniles. Whether the decision was appropriate or not is still under intense debate to this day. â€Å"A primary purpose of the juvenile justice system is to hold juvenile offenders accountable for delinquent acts while providing treatment, rehabilitativeRead MoreThe Constitutionality Of The Death Penalty1270 Words   |  6 PagesThe constitutionality of the death penalty has been a heated topic of discussion for decades. The history of the death penalty in the U nited States is extensive; from a suspension to a reinstating and individual statutes throughout the 50 states. One of the most controversial of the Supreme Court cases involving the death penalty is Roper v. Simmons. In 2005, the Supreme Court ruled that the execution of people who were under 18 at the time of their crimes violates the federal constitutional guaranteeRead MoreThe Consequences Of The Death Penalty Essay1573 Words   |  7 Pagesthey do consider the risks, they are typically not focused upon the long-term consequences, such as death, but rather the immediate arrest and imprisonment. In fact, according to Kovandzic et al. (2009), the long-term risks never enter the forefront of the criminal’s mind during the decision-making process. By narrowing their focus upon the gains rather than the costs, they are able to minimize (or even eliminate) their fear of arrest and punishment, and even sometimes believing they wouldn’t getRead MoreThe Death Penalty. .The Death Penalty Is Currently Used1365 Words   |  6 PagesThe Death Penalty The death penalty is currently used by 34 states and is used by the federal government for punishing federal crimes. And in most cases the death penalty is used when the criminal has been convicted of murder. However, two people have been sentenced to death for the rape of a minor. The definition of the death penalty is: execution of an offender sentenced to death after conviction by a court of law of a criminal offense. This begs the question does the government have theRead MoreReasons For The Death Penalty Essay1458 Words   |  6 PagesJustice can be served in various ways and will be as effective as the death penalty. Life imprisonment without parole is one such way of dealing with persons convicted of committing a murder (Mappes, DeGrazia Zembaty, 2012). While abolitionists and retentionists continue to discuss their viewpoints on the death penalty, it does appear that the retentionists do not have any concrete arguments other than retaining the death penalty as a form of retribution for murders committed. However, as the abolitionistsRead MoreThe Death Penalty For Juveniles1169 Words   |  5 PagesResearch Paper: Death Penalty for Juveniles Capital punishment for juveniles is one of the most controversial topics to ever be explored in society and in the criminal justice system. The death penalty is a rare occurrence amongst juveniles since it is so arguable as to whether they should be tried as adults. Lynn Cothern from the Juvenile Justice Resource Center suggests that â€Å"the primary purpose of the juvenile justice system is to hold juvenile offenders accountable for delinquent acts whileRead MoreA Halt On The Death Penalty Is Necessary Since The Cost1265 Words   |  6 Pageson the death penalty is necessary since the cost of maintaining it extends far beyond keeping criminals in prison, it proves to not serve as a deterrent to criminals, and it is inherently racist based on our application to this day. The controversy linked to the expenses of the death penalty compared life in prison is known to be higher. According to Times, the death penalty has three stages. These stages include the cost of prosecution, the cost of defense, and the cost of housing a death penaltyRead MoreThe Death Penalty Essay1262 Words   |  6 PagesThe death penalty is currently used by 34 states and is used by the federal government for punishing federal crimes. And in most cases the death penalty is used when the criminal has been convicted of murder. However, two people have been sentenced to death for the rape of a minor. The definition of the death penalty is: execution of an offender sentenced to death after conviction by a court of law of a criminal offense. This begs the question does the government have the right to take away someone’sRead MoreCapital Punishment : The Death Penalty1452 Words   |  6 PagesThe death penalty also known as capital punishment is when the government decides w hether or not to kill a person depending on their crime. If it’s a petty crime you won’t be considered for death penalty but when you commit a heinous crime such as mass murder or rape and murder the courts may rule for you to get the death penalty. The death penalty can date back hundreds of years ago to the 13th century when the Code of Hammurabi was created. One of its infamous laws was â€Å"an eye for an eye†. WhenRead MoreAlthough The Death Penalty Is As Ancient As Civilization,1520 Words   |  7 PagesAlthough the death penalty is as ancient as civilization, it has proven throughout the years that it serves no purpose under a democratic system. Civilization began as a cruel and unusual system that ascended through barbaric drudgery; however, as our nation is established on basic principles of human rights and human dignity, maintaining the death penalty in the United States appears to be a dissonance to the Constitutional amendment which states that cruel and unusual punishment shall not be required

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Principles of communication in adult social care setting free essay sample

Explain how communication affects relationships in an adult social care setting Relationships are important within a social care setting as residents need to feel that are in an environment where they are able to communicate confidence to any ember of staff. Communications between all staff are equally important due to changes to the needs of certain residents in relations to their care and support they need to receive. Communication is also used in informing doctors, social workers and other medical professions about changes with residents for example if: Mr smith medication had been changed and he was reacting to it, we could ring the doctors for help and advice for the best solution to help Mr Smith. . Understand how to meet communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of an individual . 1 Compare ways to establish the communication and language needs, wishes and preference of an individual There are different ways to establish communication with an individual by using verbal or non-verbal communication for example non-verbal communication such as sign language as people who are hard of hearing may be reassured by the use of sign. We will write a custom essay sample on Principles of communication in adult social care setting or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Interpreters can be used to help language barriers by ensuring all care and wishes are being protected such as religious rules and preferences. Together with this your body language is equally important as the way e present ourselves to people can set the tone of the conversation we are about to have. Verbal communication can also be used to ensure all needs, wishes and conversation with the resident. 2. Describe the factors to consider when promoting effective communication There are loads of different factors to consider when promoting effective communication, such as the hearing ability of the person in which you are talking to, the sight as many people follow your mouth while they are being spoke to if they are hard of hearing, the tone of your voice help explain the reason for the conversation. Speaking on the same level to help the resident from feeling intimidated. The environment is also a massive contributor in helping promote effective communication such as family and friends, or even what you hear on the radio or see on the television this can help by Just hearing someones voice or seeing things on the television you may feel that you are not alone and can comfort residence that may like to spend time within their own space, it can also help by following story lines within society 2. 3 Describe a range of communication methods and styles to meet individual needs. Different communication styles and methods while ensuring you meet the needs of an individual can be meet in different ways such as looking into someones eyes helps to establish there mood and feeling by the way they are looking to what youre saying, there face can help explain how they are understanding what you are saying to them and can also indicate if they are in any pain or discomfort, tone of voice can also set the tone for the conversation weather it is informal or a formal conversation. Touch can also help to meet the needs of the individual as though touching someone ou can send different vibes such as care, affection, reassurance or even power over them. Body language is a other way to communicate to help meet the needs of an individual by sitting on the same level as someone you can make the situation more relaxed than standing tall over them which could make them feel intimidated. Research has shown that people pay more attention to facial expressions and tone of voice than spoken words, also behaviour is also an important as you must respect the individual no matter what day you are having you must remember that you need to emain professional. You can also communicate using verbal communication such as different styles of vocabulary, pitch and even the pitch of you voice while speaking to an individual. 2. Explain why it is important to respond to an individuals reaction when communicating It is important to respond to an individuals reactions while communicating with them as they may become scared, worried or even not understand what is been asked or said to them. They may also need to be comforted understand what is been asked or said, you can do this by nodding your head, aking eye contact or even repeating what has been said in the conversation. 3. Understand how to overcome barriers to communication

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Single Sex Education free essay sample

Women did not attend school; rather, they learned the skill of reading and writing, and some acquired mathematics through private lessons or a tutor, but if they were rich they were sent to a boarding school where the emphasis would be on elegant accomplishments like music, dancing, drawing, painting, embroidery, and even sometimes French. Women were not allowed to further their education after grammar school. If they wished, they could continue their studies privately because a womans thinking is argued, intuitive, rooted in emotion and intensely subjective. A mans thinking is allegedly analytic, freer from emotion and more objective. For this matter women and men were taught separately. ?Single sex education was used for providing an excellent education to the man and sometimes the women in those years. Although single gender schools â€Å"threatened the principle of equal access,†(Stabiner 18) it also strengthened the minds of those sitting in the classrooms by having so many admirable advantages. We will write a custom essay sample on Single Sex Education or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page By the end of the 18th century some girls were able to attend elementary schools, but only before and after the boys’ had their classes. In 1974 Congress passed The Equal Educational Opportunities Act. It prohibited discrimination against faculty, staff and students, including racial segregation of students, and required school districts to take action to overcome barriers to study equal participation† (Salomone 10. ) The civil rights movement brought about controversies on busing, language rights, desegregation, and the idea of â€Å"equal education† (Salomone 12. ) The groundwork for the creation of the Equal Educational Opportunities Act first came about with the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which banned discrimination and racial segregation against African Americans and women. In 1968, the U. S Department of Education, once the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, issued a declaration saying that school officials are responsible for providing equal educational opportunities for all, regardless of one’s nationality, race, or color(Salomone 15. ) Although these laws gave each person the right to attend a school of his or her choice, the creation of single sex schools brought a new definition to education. â€Å"The single-sex format creates opportunities that don’t exist in the coed classroom† (Sax 1/11). Students who attend single sex high schools have a greater chance of being less distracted than in a coeducational high school. Boys tend to lessen their aggressive edge and become communal in a single sex setting. They can just be boys and not have to worry about what girls may say because they are not in the same school. Boys can enjoy poetry and play in an orchestra. This is a tremendous contrast to a co-educational high school setting. ?Girls drop their shyness and begin to take risks in a single sex school setting. They become more competitive. They embrace sports like field hockey and soccer with enthusiasm without worrying about appearing like tom boys. Young Teenagers are subjected to an inundation of pressure to become adults before they are ready to do so. They grow up too swiftly. Single sex education is a gentler, more controlled atmosphere. On the contrary: some public schools which have adopted single-sex classrooms, without appropriate preparation, have experienced bad outcomes, said Dr. Leonard Sax (9/11. )Simply putting girls in one room, and boys in another, is no assurance of anything excellent happening. Dr. Leonard Sax states that merely placing boys in separate classrooms from girls accomplishes little, but single-sex education enhances a student’s success when teachers use techniques geared toward the gender of their students. Some research indicates that girls learn better when classroom temperature is warm, while boys perform better in cooler classrooms. If thats true, then the temperature in a single-sex classroom could be set to optimize the learning of either male or female students (4/11). Some research and reports from educators suggest that single-sex education can widen the educational prospects for both girls and boys. A quality education is about much more than test scores and transcripts: it ought to open doors and keep them open for as long as possible† (Stabiner 3). Advocates claim co-ed schools tend to reinforce gender stereotypes, while single-sex schools can break down gender stereotypes. For example, girls are free of the pressure to compete with boys in male-dominated subjects such as mathematics and science. On the other hand, boys can easily pursue traditionally feminine interests such as music and poetry. The child’s happiness should be one of the most important factors in choosing a school with a quality education. Equally important is finding a school with inspiring, gifted teachers and this may lead the parents of the teenagers to consider three other factors: letting the child be themselves, the teaching style and what is being taught and, finally, the socialization of the children. Researchers at Stetson University in Florida completed a three-year pilot project comparing single-sex classrooms with coed classrooms. All relevant parameters were matched: the class sizes were all the same, the demographics were the same, all teachers had the same training in what works and what doesnt work, etc (qtd. n single-sex vs. coed 2/11) What’s really important at most coed schools is the game of who likes who, whos going out with whom, whos cool and whos not. That’s hardly ever the case at single-sex schools. Edison Trickett and Penelope Trickett, compared students in private single-sex schools in the United States with students at private coed schools in the United States (5/11), and fou nd that students in the single-sex schools had a far more positive attitude toward academics than did students in coed schools (5/11). This discovery held for both boys and girls. The students at the single-sex schools also developed better decision-making skills, and were more occupied in classroom activities. ?Single sex education has advantages that co-education cant reach. Single-sex schools provide better circumstances; teachers can tailor their teaching to suit students’ leaning styles, improve students’ academic performance and develop conductive skills and personalities.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

OSH Situation essays

OSH Situation essays The Occupational Safety and Health act of 1994(OSHA) is appropriate and an adequate basis for the improvement of the working environment for all employees in Malaysia. OSHA ensures safety, health and welfare of person at work. The main objectives of this project is to conduct an enquiry among the workforce of the industries, focusing on OSH as a general issue with attention to various industries an identifying any situation related to OSHA and Environmental Quality Act 1974,which does not comply with the regulation outlined in both acts. Nihon Canpack (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. situated in Batu Gajah, Perak, is a company which obtained 100 percent trust from NESTLE and produces 8 types of drinks (MILO, NESCAFE REGULAR, NESCAFE DARK COFFEE, NESCAFE MOCHA, NESTEA LEMON, MANGGO AND ORANGE) base on recipe from Nestle. The company also has wastewater treatment plant which costs RM 1 million. It was built according the Environmental Quality Act 1974 to ensure the quality of water before it will be released to the environment. Besides that the water recycling machine is able to recycle half of 350 metric tan of water used everyday. Nihon Canpack (Malaysia) Sdn.Bhd. provide a good OSHA situation at the factory. However, they still need some improvements to enhance their working environment so that the workers will feel more comfortable to do their work. As stated in the company philosophy, the company wants to create a conducive environment for job enrichment. The word conducive means comprises both good qualities of physical and mental aspects in the working environment. These two elements need to be considered by the company to improve OSH situation at the workplace. This company complies with most of the vital requirement in OSHA 1994 and most of the workers believe that their workplace is safe. The only weaknesses are due to inattentiveness of the employer and employee about the safety act that should they take. This inattentiveness...

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Technology Implementation Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Technology Implementation Paper - Essay Example There are numerous examples: travel and holiday agents are all linked by networks directly to the databases maintained by airlines, railways and holiday companies making possible virtually instantaneous booking, computing cash tills and bar-code readers in supermarkets are linked to computers and form part of an integrated stock control, ordering and sales analysis system without which modern supermarkets could not function. New technology is having effects on organization structures. Because of the easier and speedier communications and the increasing sophistication of automatic decision making by computers, middle management is tending to disappear in many organizations including service centers and manufacturing, hospitals and trade organizations, etc. (Frame, D.J., (2002). Organizations are becoming flatter and leaner because top management are able to monitor operations more directly and computers are now taking many decisions previously taken by middle management. Examples include: computerized stock and production control in manufacturing, automatic credit scoring and loan authorizations in banks. IT is also changing the nature of the debate about centralization versus decentralization. Properly planned technology systems with distributed data processing enable both more centralization of standards, performance targets and policies and more decentralization of operations through more immediate an d speedier service to customers (Bretschneider, Heintze, 2000). Also, restructuring involves changes in routine processes towards goals-oriented performance. Following Bohmer et al (2001) "The design of a technology often reinforces a habitual routine; for example, the design of a commercial aircraft's cockpit is conducive to certain standard operating procedures for takeoff and landing" (685). In this case, transaction processing systems are pre-specified and changes require the intervention of system specialists; transaction processing comprises: activity processing, report processing and enquiry processing. Businesses are increasingly being reorganized into processes rather than functions (Knop et al, 1998). This is known as process re-engineering and means that firms must identify their core processes and design them so that delays, confusion and demarcations are reduced or eliminated. For instance, the case of The Bell Group vividly portrays implementation of CRM (Customer Relationship management) system and its success for the company. The project includes such areas as accounting, manufacturing, warehousing, field service, and shipping systems. All technological systems were launched separately in order to avoid mistakes and errors (The Bell Group, 2005). It is now possible for managers to obtain information on organizational performance down to the level of specific transactions from just about anywhere in the organization at any time. This new intensity of information makes possible far more precise planning, forecasting, and monitoring (Schwalbe, 2005). A New Employee Managers must deal with new people issues because the changes brought about by technology definitely require a new kind of employee. The use of technology requires more problem solving skills and the ability to interpret data and is thus likely to lead to a widening gulf between skilled and unskilled workers. Routine tasks requiring a low level of skill are

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

To what ExtenT do 'Reverse Burdens' Whittle down the Rule in Essay

To what ExtenT do 'Reverse Burdens' Whittle down the Rule in Woolmington v DPP - Essay Example This paper demonstrates how reverse burdens have whittled down the presumption of innocence and how reverse burdens are justified in appropriate cases. I. The Presumption of Innocence All persons accused of a criminal offence are presumed innocent. The presumption of innocence is codified by Article 6(2) of the ECHR. Article 6(2) which is prefaced by a right to fair trial within a reasonable time,4 provides for the presumption of innocence until guild is proven â€Å"according to law†.5By virtue of the Human Rights Act 1998, the ECHR is a part of the British law and all national statutes must be read and interpreted in such a way as to be compatible with the ECHR.6 The presumption of innocence means that the prosecution must prove the essential elements of the alleged offence. As Blackstone’s Criminal Practice notes: The phrase ‘the presumption of innocence’ is often used as a convenient abbreviation of the common-law rule that, generally speaking, the pros ecution bears the burden of proving all the elements in the offence necessary to establish guilt.7 Specifically, the prosecution must prove that the defendant committed the act constituting the offense (actus reus) and had the â€Å"requisite state of mind† (mens rea).8 The common law rule was stated by Lord Sankey in Woolmington v DPP. In the case, the defendant was convicted of murdering his wife as a result of shooting. The defendant argued that the gun was discharged accidentally. The trial judge ruled that the defendant bore the burden of proving that he lacked the necessary mens rea. Upon appeal, the House of Lords, allowing the appeal ruled that in criminal trials, the common law rule was that the burden of proof showing guilt beyond a reasonable doubt resided with the prosecution.9 Therefore the presumption of innocence is not lost until such time as the prosecution discharges the burden of proof beyond a reasonable. This is a primary requisite for a fair trial pursua nt to Article 6 of the ECHR.10 It was held in McIntosh v Lord Advocate11 that a difficult paradox is created by the presumption of innocence and the public’s interest in ensuring that the guilty are convicte

Friday, January 31, 2020

Governor Phillip Essay Example for Free

Governor Phillip Essay In this essay, I would like to examine the respective educational theories of the two men: Professor Higgins Pygmalion and Governor Phillip Our Countrys Good. Both men believe in the process of amelioration: that is, both believe in the redemptive power of fine language; if people speak fine language, they will find themselves morally or socially improved. Both believe that people, who are born into the lower classes, are not doomed to live their lives at a disadvantage. Moreover, if given the opportunity to use the divine gift of articulate speech, then they can achieve a degree of upward mobility. I should like to look first at the relationship between Professor Higgins and Eliza in Pygmalion, which is set in an era of social mobility and depends for its effect upon the English class system. In particular, I would like to examine the idea that a persons position in society can be accurately measured by her speech-style. Henry Higgins, a professor of linguistics, believes that Eliza Doolittle (draggletailed guttersnipe) can be transformed into a duchess. Higgins is a scientist conducting an experiment. He wants Eliza to talk genteelly. His precise ambition is to pass that girl off as a duchess at an ambassadors garden party. Higgins is extremely selfish (What does it matter what becomes of you) and professes not to be interested in Elizas personal progress at all, in fact only teaching her to win a bet between Pickering and himself: THE NOTE-TAKER (HIGGINS): Well, sir, in three months I could pass that girl off as a duchess at an ambassadors garden party. PICKERING: Ill say youre the greatest teacher alive if you make that good. Ill bet you all the expenses of the experiment you cant do it. As this exchange shows, Pickering has just given Professor Higgins the incentive to teach Eliza. Higgins is very vain (I can place any man in London) and is teaching Eliza to stop using cockney dialect: Lisson Grove lingo such as Garn! and you ought to be stuffed with nails, you ought! She also uses double negatives in her speech: I aint got no parents where, grammatically, it should be I dont have any parents. In Act Two, Eliza goes one step further by saying, I dont want never to see him again I dont which is in fact a triple negative. During his experiment in teaching, Higgins encounters the difficulty of getting Eliza to talk grammatically. Teaching her to pronounce the words properly is easy enough, but teaching her to understand English grammar is more complicated. When she comes to Higgins, her grammar is atrocious (I wont stay here if I dont like), for she is using adjectives instead of adverbs. However, she is aware of her social standing. Although she knows that she is not a lady (I couldnt sleep here, its too good for the likes of me), she also knows that she is not a tramp and regularly states she is not a prostitute (Im a good girl I am). This chorus is her motto and shows that she has a sense of decorum. In Act Three, about three months into the experiment, Eliza undertakes what we make call a half-term test. She goes to Mrs Higgins at home day. There, she does well in her greetings of Mrs Eynsford Hill and her daughter, Clara; her four syllables how do you do? are said with pedantic pronunciation and great beauty of tone. Then, however, the topic of conversation begins to turn towards incongruous subjects: My Aunt died of influenza, so they said but it is my belief they done her in. Higgins explains away Elizas inappropriate remark by saying that it is the new small talk. Shortly afterwards, he gives the signal to Eliza that she should leave. When asked by Freddy if she is walking, she replies with the best remark in the play: Walk! Not bloody likely. Im going in a taxi. She departs, much to the shock of the genteel folk. The conflict in this exchange is between Elizas perfectly elegant diction and the crude adjective that she uses. This example of Lisson Grove lingo or kerbstone English, when spoken in an upper-class accent, sounds incongruous and creates uproarious laughter. When we next catch up with Eliza, she has made a successful transformation from a flower girl as clean as she can afford to be to a princess in opera cloak, evening dress, diamonds, fan, flowers and all accessories. She is at her final test, an International party at an Embassy in London. Neppomuck, Higgins first student, attends, working as an interpreter: I speak 32 languages You place a man anywhere in London, I place any man in Europe. The hostess of the party instructs Neppomuck to use his skills on Eliza: I have found out all about her, she is a fraud. As Higgins thinks that he has failed and it is all over, Neppomuck reveals: She is of Hungarian origin and of Royal blood. She is a Princess! Higgins, as is shown, has succeeded in his mission to transform Elizas speech from that of a common flower girl to that of an aristocrat. Later, when Eliza asks Pickering if she had won his bet, he replies: Won it my dear, you have won it 10 times over. This speech by Colonel Pickering makes Eliza feel successful and when, after the party, Higgins makes an entirely selfish analysis of the ordeal through which Eliza has been going, (No more artificial duchesses. The whole thing has been simple purgatory) she passes moral judgement on him (you selfish brute). When we see Eliza at Mrs. Higgins house we are shown that neither Higgins nor Pickering has any concept of mental cruelty, for they think that the way they have treated Eliza (who is naturally rather affectionate) by ignoring her and saying how glad they are that it is all over, is perfectly acceptable. In Act Five, Eliza realises that her real education is not in phonetics but in manners. Eliza explains how she acquired self-respect and has risen in the world. Shaw then puts in her mouth a political speech critical of class-differences in England in 1916: The difference between a lady and a flower girl is not how she behaves but how shes treated This declaration brings us on to discussing Our Countrys Good and Governor Phillip. At the heart of Governor Phillips educational theory is the belief that, if the convicts are treated as talented individuals, they will acquire self-respect. Arthur Phillip has been made governor-in-chief of a penal colony in 18th century Australia. The criminals have been transported a form of punishment at that time on a convict ship to Australia, which was the most frequent destination. Excluding the convicts, there are several other men, of various ranks, with Phillip. Among these are Captain Watkin Tench and Judge David Collins, both of whom lack sensitivity. Phillip is a humanitarian and thinks it unnecessary to cross fifteen thousand miles of ocean to erect another Tyburn? : that is, to go to the other side of the Earth to hang people who could have been hanged in Britain. Tench, on the other hand, thinks that the convicts laugh at hangings and it is their favourite form of entertainment. Phillip wishes to be humane and considers lashing as an alternative, but because the punishment is unobserved, Collins deems it useless for it will not serve as a sharp example: that is, it will not deter the other convicts. Tench agrees with him by saying that justice and humaneness have never gone hand in hand. When the discussion turns to plays and preferred authors, Phillip has the idea of the convicts putting on a play for the good of the colony. This is our first notion of the differences between Governor Phillip and Professor Higgins; Higgins is teaching Eliza for his own good, to improve his reputation, not for her benefit nor our countrys good. The only play they have is George Farquhars The Recruiting Officer (1706), which is a Restoration comedy. In Act One Scene Five, Phillip asks Second Lieutenant Ralph Clark to organise the play. He doesnt really want to do it and to begin with is not very enthusiastic, but he is hopeful of promotion and so does it to please the Governor. He hears that a convict called Mary Brenham can read and write, so he roots her out. She is with her friend, Dabby Bryant, when he comes to talk to her. When he asks her questions to discover if she can read and write, Dabby interrupts and tells him: She used to read to us on the ship. We loved it. This disclosure reveals Marys human potential; it reveals also that some convicts are sensitive to those who have been desensitised through brutal treatment. When Dabby says, Mary wants to be in your play, she is telling us that Mary wants something to look forward to, something to anticipate. When Ralph Clark starts reading some lines with her from the play, she reads the line: Whilst there is life, there is hope This is a perfect example of a syntactically balanced sentiment. This proverbial saying comments exquisitely on their situation within the colony. In Act One Scene Six, The Authorities Discuss the Merits of the Theatre, Major Robbie Ross shows his contempt for the play (well all be struck with stricturing starvation and you you a play! ) Ross is a reactionary figure; he adopts a hostile manner towards the idea that the convicts may be capable of sentiment and rehabilitation. He believes that they are incorrigible, beyond redemption; he has no confidence in the redemptive power of Farquhars language. Ross wastes no opportunity to vituperate against the convicts (vice ridden vermin! ), especially the women, whom he considers lower forms of life (Filthy, thieving, lying whores). He scoffs at the fact that they are allowed to perform a play of fine language, sentiment (Plays! ). In the same scene as Ross accusations, we find that these are actually civilised men: The sky of this Southern Hemisphere is full of wonders. Have you looked at the constellations? Astronomy seems to be a reasonably intelligent pursuit. Phillip now shows his enlightened position We are indeed here to supervise the convicts who are already being punished by their long exile. Surely they can also be reformed?

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Sonnys Blues by James Baldwin Essay example -- Sonnys Blues James Ba

Sonny's Blues by James Baldwin A captivating tale of a relationship between two troubling brothers in Harlem, "Sonny's Blues" is told from the perception of Sonny's brother, whose name is never mentioned. Baldwin's choice of Sonny's brother as a narrator is what makes "Sonny's Blues" significant in terms of illustrating the relationship and emotional complications of Sonny and his brother. The significance of "Sonny's Blues" lies in the way Sonny's brother describes their relationship based on what he observes, hears, and feels, and how he struggles trying to understand Sonny through the course of the story. This is a story of how two African Americans brothers take their own path through life as they struggle to find meaning in their lives. Sonny's brother point of view is shared in this story as he feels responsible to keep his brother safe. The brother learns to listen throughout this story to better understand Sonny's life. This story is primarily about Sonny's brothers' life, how he struggled in his life and how he is now watching his younger brother Sonny go through the same situation. He worries about Sonny's life; that Sonny might not be able to escape the turmoil that life brings especially being a musician with no ties to family and job security. Sonny's brother sees Sonny trying to become a jazz musician, he watches and listens as Sonny goes through many difficulties in life. He doesn't want Sonny to be a jazz musician, because there is no future in this. At the end of the story, Sonny's brother attends the nightclub to watch... ...Blues" illustrated how life was growing up in an African American family during 1930 Ââ€" 1960's. Black Americans struggled to make their imprint on society. The life of the amazing blind musician Ray Charles comes to my mind as I struggle to understand how the African American culture learned to survive during this time. Sonny and Ray Charles had many of the same life experiences, in particular relying on drugs to forget their past and living in a society where the black man struggled to make a living. Both men used their music of rhythm and blues to gain respect from family and friends. In particular they learned to use music to survive in times of racism, segregation and poverty.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Racism in euroropean football Essay

Medieval football matches involved hundreds of players, and were essentially pitched battles between the young men of rival villages and towns often used as opportunities to settle old feuds, personal arguments and land disputes. The much more disciplined game introduced to continental Europe in 1900s was the reformed pastime of the British aristocracy. Other European countries adopted this form of the game, associated with Victorian values of fair-play and retrained enthusiasm. Only two periods in British history have been relatively free of football-related violence: the inter-war years and the decade following the Second World War. Recently it seems more and more becoming that racism is beginning to damage the reputation of the game. Racism isn’t directed at players simply because of their skin colour; players are also targeted because of their nationality, religion or ethnicity. Some players may be targeted by football supporters more because they play for an opposing team rather than their appearance or heritage. However, some players and managers have even been targeted by their own fans. The purpose of this report is to understand the current situation of racism within football, and look at what is begin done to help rid the game of it. With numerous governing bodies contained by sport, it is key to understanding what the main bodies choose to do to help endorse the fight against racism. It seems as though it is becoming more and more of a human rights issue, as players endure the direct racism from not only fans but club management teams.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Communism vs Capitalism Essay - 849 Words

Capitalism vs. Communism nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Throughout history, there have been many systems developed in order to have a better society. Two of the most analyzed, and debated systems that have tired to change an economy for the best are communism, and capitalism. Communism, and capitalism have been compared on many levels, such as why they will or will not work, and which one works better. Throughout this essay I will concentrate on the differences, and similarities of how each operates, along with the benefits, and problems that each of them produces. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Both of these economic systems theories came about around the same time, in the late 17th to mid18th centuries. One of the main contributor for†¦show more content†¦This is the theory of a free market, based on supply and demand to take care of the consumer welfare. Capitalism gives people the freedom to do as they wish, and allows them the opportunities to work to gain great wealth, or to just survive in the society. While communism sets direct demands on the work you do and what you need to produce, so others can benefit as well as you from your hard work. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;There are many different outcomes and problems that can occur as a result of the different systems. The benefits for communism are set up on a larger scale that takes time and effort, as for capitalism hard work produces quick gains. Since it is harder for people of communism to see direct results from their hard work, there can be a tendency of people doing less, but still receiving the same as everyone else. Thus, there needs to be some type of point system, which makes sure each person does enough work to show for the goods received. If the work is not done then something needs to be done, such as not giving them their share, jail time, or kicked out of the community, resulting in poorer living standards. Capitalism however, gives each individual a choice of the benefits they will receive from working hard or not. You still have the chance to be poor, but unlike communism you have the chance to become rich. In communism the hardest workers receive the same , but in capitalism the hardest workers reap the most rewards.Show MoreRelatedCapitalism Vs. Communism And Communism1266 Words   |  6 PagesRaia Creative Writing 1 5 May 2015 Capitalism vs Communism Throughout history, people have tested many different political systems have a better society. The most common political systems that people have tested are monarchy, oligarchy, theocracy, aristocracy and democracy. I will talk about capitalism and communism in this research paper. Both those systems are created to change the economic situation. 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